
the digital school version of the board game Knifepoint, aka “KP Pre-Alpha 0.9”, was a version of Knifepoint developed in Unity for CS 425 during my time at George Mason University.

due to Unity nonsense, I don’t have version control information on this project, but I have source files and the build presented to the class.

this build has a playable game with basic rules, characters with different abilities functional, multiple items, and frameworks for more. overall i remain impressed with what i was able to accomplish in the time i had.

on this project, i was the sole programmer, director, and game designer. the entire thing was crunched in about the last two or three weeks of the month. i plan on returning to KP at some point in the future, wink wink nudge nudge.


the boardgame was initially designed by me as a minigame for table-top games, tied into lore. the game consists of up to four players and takes place on a checkerboard of variable size. the main game pieces are a set of dice distributed like ‘cards’ between its players, that would be placed on the board in order to affect gameplay and other players’ actions.

the main gameplay loop involves placing a die on the board, which affects the value of the dice near by it: the goal is to use all your dice, and make sure as many dice on the board as possible have the value of your role. each player is assigned a character ‘role’, either chosen or given, that comes with an attached ‘ability’ as well as the opportunity to use ‘items’ in order to similarly affect gameplay.


member roles
January Nelson project leader, UI/UX programmer, artist
old friend of mine card art

tech stack

tool purpose
VS Code Code editor
Unity Collaborate Version Control
C# Scripting language
Unity Game engine
